Open & Click-Through Rates-Email Measures You Need to Track

February 10, 2017

As a marketing professional, each one of us continuously wishes to know how our marketing campaigns are doing against a tough (and mainly unknown) competition in the market. One of the answers to this question lies in the fact of knowing our Open Rates – which happens to be one of the most important performance metrics that we should pay our close attention to. Hence, business owners keep track of these five key email marketing metrics (written by Mary Fernandez under “What’s a Good Email Open Rate and How You Can Improve Yours”):

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  1. How many people open your emails?
  2. How many people click on a link inside your emails?
  3. How many people unsubscribe?
  4. How many people complain?
  5. How many people forward your emails?

But for all these, the utmost important factor is that “People should open Your emails!” All the aforementioned key factors would work as an effective email marketing campaign only if emails are opened and read! Hence, we indicate the importance of a “Good Email Open Rate”.

Email Open Rate

So, out of the people who actually received your email, your open rate is the percentage of people who opened that email.

Douglas Karr states in that IBM Marketing Cloud has released their 2016 Email Marketing Metrics Benchmark Study in which we can compare our target email campaigns across 25 open, click-through, list churn and mobile metrics. Additionally, the report has:

  1. Industry-specific comparisons and geographic breakouts from across the world
  2. Device usage, holiday trends, transactional emails and engagement rates
  3. Benchmarks beyond average, including median and top-performing quartiles
  4. Using this data and related best practices to improve your email program

How many Email Campaigns should we send per month?

We all wish to decide as to how many targeted email campaigns we should be sending in a month, mainly because we neither would like to send less nor would we wish to send more to an extent that irritates our prospects/clients. Ginny Mineo, in states that it is ideal to send sixteen to thirty email campaigns a month. Companies that send 16-30 campaigns a month see a click rate more than 2X greater than the click rate of companies that send 2 or fewer campaigns a month. At this frequency, companies enjoy a median open rate of 32.4% and median click rate of 6.5%. Ginny states the following infographic:

Email Open Rate
Email Open Rate

With a view to procure more relevant results, Ginny further elaborates on Open and Click rates across different company sizes as here under:

    1. Companies with 1-10 employees and 26-200 employees: Open and Click rates are highest when 16-30 email campaigns are targeted per month. Companies with 1-10 employees typically receive a median open rate of 35.3% and a median click rate of 6.9% whereas companies with 26-200 employees receive a median open rate of 32.3% and a median click rate of 6.3%.
    2. Companies with 11 – 25 employees: Open rates are highest when 31+ email campaigns are targeted per month. They have a median open rate of 32.4%. Yet, they get most clicks at 16-30 monthly email frequency with a median click of 6.7%.
    3. Companies over 201 employees:Highest median open rate of 32.2% was found in 3-5 email campaign frequency whereas the highest median click rate was found during 6-15 monthly email frequency.

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