Best email marketing tips on Twitter

May 24, 2019

Looking to increase engagement and get more from your email marketing? Want to take your email marketing o the next level?

So you don’t have to drown in a sea of overwhelming data, we present to you a consolidated, fine combed collection of email marketing tweets. Treat this as a guide to targeted email campaigning.

best email marketing templates

As we share valuable email marketing wisdom from Twitter, discover the best of email marketing strategy and tricks. Maximize your email marketing capabilities by deep diving into these actionable email marketing best practices.

1) @JoePulizzi

We actually want to create the minimum amount of content with the maximum amount of results (not just more content) #socialpowwow

2) @todmeisner

Educate, educate, educate when it comes to email design. Show the business reasons behind design decisions. Don’t get into a war of options. Let the data and renderings do the talking. #EiQgathering

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3) @SparkPost

Emails that aren’t structured properly with bad code, etc, look like #spam & will be treated as such by ISPs. Be sure your email format isn’t the culprit of your #deliverability woes.

4) Affiliate Marketing Leaders

affiliate digital marketing

@affleaders “The formula for digital marketing success”#EmailMarketing #SEO #SMM #webdesign #website #ecommerce #Marketing #SocialMedia #OnlineMarketing #DigitalMarketing #Business #InboundMarketing #Internet #InternetMarketing #SEO #SMM #SEOtips #GrowthHacking

5) @Holobachgirl

No, you can’t send a transactional email to ask your database if they really, reeeeallllyyyy meant to unsubscribe. They did. Please….don’t be that person. #EmailMarketing #email #WednesdayWisdom #WisdomFromTheAbuseDesk

6) @dragonfireuk

What problems do your consumers have and how can you help to solve those problems? #email #emailmarketing #emails #dreams #entrepreneur #entrepreneurial #entrepreneurlife #entrepreneurlifestyle #entrepreneurmind #quote #digitalmarketingagency

7) @M_J_Robbins

No subject line. No preheader. Always check before you send.@Fly_Norwegian #emailgeeks

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About the author:

David Jones

David is the head of digital marketing for SparkEmail design, one of the most enterprising email design and coding companies. With strong marketing hooks and an adept understanding of social media,David chips in out-of-the box inputs for email campaigns. With a passionate flare for writing copies, David is also a rigorous reader. Best know as the flag bearer for all things creative, David’s writing style is contemporary with a touch of old world charm to it.

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