Grow your email list with these practices

May 10, 2018

Email marketing has grown enormously with the rise in the market competitions. While you may think that emails have become an old-fashioned communication model, you might like to check the facts from our previous blog.

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With the growing times, email marketing has become the fondest medium among the top marketers. The ROI through email marketing is approx 4300%! That’s really huge though. The right email designs and the content is the key here.

You have the right email template design, maybe the unique, right preferred content yet the email marketing campaign’s success depends on the type of the email list you have. After all you are creating the content and designs for your subscribers, aren’t you?

As an email marketer I agree that we face the unusual challenges while working on the campaign and growing the email list with the accurate and real time subscribers. Majorly we often the face these two challenges:

Controlling the Email churn rate

Email list churn rate is the number of subscribers who decide to quit your email list. The churn rate depends upon different factors such as unsubscribes, bounce emails. Summing up them, it drains out 25-30% of the average email lists all the year.

How to control the email churn rate?

Bringing in New subscribers

While many of you readers must be thinking ‘this is the easiest task for an email marketer to do, why it is a challenge?’ Well, if you are suggesting to buy the email lists and hit SEND as an easy task, then you are wrong.

If you are growing your email list by purchasing them, let me remind you, it is a trap! Although it may seem as a shortcut to the success of the email marketing campaign yet it is not. The purchased email list do not have benefits as you may think. Here’s why we are saying NO to buy the email list:

Here’s how you can grow your email list genuinely…

The best way to grow and build the genuine email list is to do it organically. Although lot of time and efforts are required to create this kind of email list but it is packed with the bunch of really good benefits.

On the long run, organic email list results better and has effective deliverability rates. In simple words, you should have the subscribers who are willing to join your email list as a subscriber. Here’s how to do it:

How to add the opt-ins on your website? Well, you can do it through the use of the opt-in forms available on the website. In fact, according to us, it is an ideal method to build the email list. Why?

Opt in forms on the website allows you to inform the subscribers that you are collecting their email addresses so as to send them the newsletters and emails. In this blog we will majorly focus on the discussions regarding opt-ins.

Where to place the opt-ins on the website?

Opt-in forms on the website are very important to be easily visible as well as available for the subscribers. How would make the opt-in forms accessible to the visitors? Here are the clues to work on:

Header/Navigation bar

Header is the ideal place on the website to catch the attention of the visitors. You can place the sign-up form/ link either on the header of the website i.e navigation bar because it is the most visible place for the visitors to look for.


It is the right place for those visitors who engage more often with your website content. If they are scrolling till the bottom of the website it is enough to assume the interest of the visitor in your brand. These kind of visitors are more likely to sign up as a subscriber with you from the sign-up form provided at the bottom.


There are websites who choose to place the sign-up form at the side bar, mostly on the topmost area. It is another easy to grab the visitor’s attention at once.

Defined CTA

Choose the location on the complete website and fix the CTA for the convenience of the visitors. Place the CTA either on the top or bottom, the visitor should easily spot the tab while scrolling. This way you are giving the visitor a sense of freedom to sign-up the form required for building email list.

Blogs/ Vlogs

The easiest way to get the visitor’s email address is to opt-in the sign-up form at the bottom of the blog section on your website. Depending on the kind of business you do, either you are blogging or vlogging the content, put up the sign up form in the section.

The chances are that the interested visitor can subscribe you for receiving the emails/ newsletters. It is not necessary to put the sign-up form at the bottom, you can place it anywhere on the website’s blog section.

Popup form

This is the common and valuable practice for the email marketers to put it on website. They are effective if providing value. There are two kind of pop-ups:

Timed Pop-up: It will appear on the screen after the specific time is spent by the visitor on the page of your website.

Exit intent Pop-up: This pop-up will appear when the visitor is about to exit the website, asking the reader to subscribe your brand to know everything about the business.

Although the above points are helpful to create the effective opt-ins on the website and building the organic email list, yet there are some best practices to be careful for.

Practices to be careful for growing the email list

It’s a Wrap!

While there are some niche key-points to look after when it comes to create and build the organic email list, we have shared the improved metrics for campaign performance. You can share your experience with us after practicing the above opt-ins for the better organic email list.

About the author:

David Jones

David is the head of digital marketing for SparkEmail design, one of the most enterprising email design and coding companies. With strong marketing hooks and an adept understanding of social media,David chips in out-of-the box inputs for email campaigns. With a passionate flare for writing copies, David is also a rigorous reader. Best know as the flag bearer for all things creative, David’s writing style is contemporary with a touch of old world charm to it.

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