Six Trends For The Customer Friendly Email Templates

December 18, 2017

What will you do when you come to know that 205 million per day emails are sent to the people every day. Isn’t it a huge statistical data for the email marketers to know?

This implies how much competitive the world has become now in order to be PRESENT in the market. With so much of competition, we have to ensure that our business emails make the way to the customer’s email inbox.

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How? We have shared the list of the six ways to create the emails which will mesmerize the customers in a way to open it and look at what you have got to offer to them.

As an email marketer, based on your present relationship with the customer, you have to ensure that consumer receives the relevant email which will affect your business with the positive outcome/profits.


According to the Wordtream Statistics 2017, the segmented list has the open rate 14.32% higher than the non-segmented list. Here’s another win-win statistic: the click-through rate of the segmented email list is 100.95% higher compare to the non-segmented one.

Still, you are wondering why should you segment the email list for your marketing campaign? As an email marketer, you must be puzzled right now for how to segment the email list when you have less time to run the campaign?

Allow us to cut short the segmentation task for you in the easy steps.

Start with the basics such as RFM.

R= Recency. When did the customer buy the product/ service in the recent time?

F= Frequency. How many times did the customer buy the products/ services from your business?

M= Monetary Value. What was the value/price of the product/ services the customer bought for?

Thinking to conduct BASIC SEGMENTATION i.e. to follow RFM? While doing so, use the logical trick here: you can send the emails to your customer based on the behavior they did or conducted on your website.

Trigger such emails to the customers so that they have the idea to take the right action. The customer’s available information is the ideal way to segment the email list for your business. At least you will be ahead than the position you were before in the market.


It is hard to go around and personalize the email templates manually. There are thousands of emails to send every day, at least, to the customers. The email automation campaign will help you to personalize the email templates which may be, nearly difficult to do it manually.

The email automation will help you to guide your customers through the sales procedure/ funnel to move ahead from where they are stuck right now. If you think or hesitate about whether the automated email should contain the images or not? Test the plain text emails first.

With the basic email format, such as Q&A. It will be helpful for the customers. Do not run the trial just one or two emails. Consider sending email series to the customers.

You can send the automated series of email to the customer who has acted upon the CTA of your website. To send the emails based on your customer’s browsing history or the behavior on your website, the automated emails can be the ideal option.

Why? Even when you have the team of the efficient people, it becomes impossible to track down the data of your user history, likes, dislikes and what they are expecting from your brand. That is why Automated Email Campaigns.


When the communication is not two ways, the chances of the relationship to sink is quick. Why such statement in the B2B email marketing campaign blog?

Even though you’re an email marketer, you must have subscribed the email newsletter with other business or the brands. How many of the emails did you receive with To how many such emails did you responded?

None. Because you are not interested in those brands or the business who do not like to communicate with their customer. This is the lesson for you. Understand it.

It is important for you, as the business/ brand owner to have the engaging communication with your customers. It is the foundation to build a strong relationship with them. It is ideal to shoot the email with your brand’s personal ID. This is because to bridge the communication gap between you and your customer if there is any.

Chatting over the emails with the customers to solve their queries is ideal than communicating over the chat window available on your website. It is important to not to use the and use your brand’s email address like or


It is the simple yet dominant tool to test the email marketing campaigns, ensuring the emails are sent right to the customer in the way they like to have it in their email inbox. Many brands and business ignore the tool as it consumes few more hours to the task they are doing already, being an email marketer.

There is no legitimate reasons/ approach to be such ignorant. Instead, the successful brands work few more hours to test the email marketing campaigns so as to earn the huge profits in the near future. In fact, the A/B email testing is the permanent way to give your customers the ideal reason to stay connected with your brand.

How? The A/B testing will help you to know what your customer is expecting from your brand’s newsletter or the emails. The content strategy can be decided based on the result of the testing.


There is no meaning of working on the email marketing campaigns when the content cannot relate the customer on any terms. That does not mean you should start including more visuals, images or make its infographic.

The fix here is the well written as well as simplified content. The simple content is the way to make your customer understand the subject you are emphasizing about in the email.

Relate the customers to the relevant content, depending on the relation your business have with them. Instead of the multiple CTA, include the single yet powerful CTA on the email template.

When the content is simple to understand and interesting enough for the customers, the right one will hit the CTA with zest. Take some time to review your email content, make it relevant if it is not and focus on the message you want to convey to the customers.

You have one chance to make the best impression on the customer and it will be wasteful if they cannot understand what the content is all about.


How much ever you can and what all you can, share it with the customers. The customer like to know the secrets and the information about your business. When you share it with them, they are curious to have more such stuff.

Result? The click-through rate will increase than what it is now in your sent emails. Everyone needs help, but no one asks for. Provide the unasked help to your customer on the broad topics such as ‘tips to travel safely during the holiday season’ if you are in the tourism industry.

Although the customer has not asked you any such tips, you can offer it because every person likes to be cautious even though when they are already. Focus on the content depending on the segmented list you have with. The email has to be direct, focused as well as it can be personal.

Send the smart emails, not bulk emails to the customers.You can even utilize the searched data about your customers. This way you can understand their need and the wants. When it is met, rightly, consistently and profoundly, the email open rate conversion will increase on the positive note.

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